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ABRSM Lessons

Lesson, Play Alongs, Accompaniment Tracks.

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Snare Drum Lessons

From Beginning to Advanced exercises as well as our comprehensive Rudiment Series

Rudiment Series

The Bible, Torah, Quran, Tao Te Ching, Gita, Tripitaka,…what have you of Snare Drum Playing. Learn these and you will have a happy life.

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Stage Notes

These are the result of small individual challenges I face in my daily job. Usually pertaining to specific repertoire, I use the opportunity to discuss very specific elements of all the instruments.

Composition Series

A reference guide for composers and performers learning standard sounds and alternative techniques for percussion instruments.


D.I.Y. Maintenance

Can’t avoid doing some maintenance on percussion instruments. Here’s some handy guides to changing heads, making triangle clips, tying cymbals straps… and and more! This space is always evolving.